Private Equity & Venture Capital inBrazil Fund Manager Showcase
New York
About The Private Equity & Venture Capital inBrazil Fund Manager Showcase is an event organized by ABVCAP and ApexBrasil, and hosted by Kirkland & Ellis LLP, aimed at bringing together local fund managers with international Limited Partners. The event, scheduled to take place in the afternoon, will provide a picture of Brazil´s current investment scenario and the latest trends and changes that impact the local asset class. Investors will also have the opportunity to learn more about the industry through case studies provided by local fund managers. This event is by invitation-only and exclusive to qualified international investors and Brazilian fund managers.* Agenda 11:30 a.m. Registration and Welcome Lunch 01:00 p.m. Welcome 01:15 p.m. Brazilian Heavyweight LP: An Interview with Valia (Vale do Rio Doce Employee´s Pension Fund) Interviewee: Mauricio da Rocha Wanderley, CIO, Valia and Board Member, ABVCAP Interviewer: David Snow, Co-Founder and CEO, Privcap
Mauricio da Rocha Wanderley, Board Member, ABVCAP and CIO of Valia, one of
Brazil´s largest and most active pension funds in private equity and venture
capital, will share his views and experiences on investing in the local asset
class. What is the typical due diligence process for local institutional
investors and how does this differ when evaluating new vs. experienced
managers. Valia's view on first time funds in today's marketplace and some of
their lessons learned from almost 15 years of Brazilian PE/VC investing.
Wanderley will also highlight developments in the Brazilian PE and VC
ecosystem. 01:45 p.m. Key Issues for investing in Brazil Frederick Tanne, Senior Partner, Kirkland & Ellis Carlos Lobo, Partner, Veirano Advogados
02:15 p.m. The Limited Partner Perspective Comparing Due Diligence, Selection and Monitoring Processes - In an open Q&A format, local and international LPs discusses their challenges and returns from investing in the Brazilian market. José Fernandez, Managing Director, StepStone Peter Von Lehe, Managing Director, Neuberger Berman Bill Pearce, Director, Private Equity, OPIC Moderator: Philip Bass, Global Private Equity Leader, Ernst & Young 03:00 p.m. Fund Manager Showcase: Case Studies Local fund managers will share their: • investment perspectives from the field • value creation strategies and techniques 04:15 p.m. Networking coffee 05:00 p.m. Closing * and members of the PEVC inBrazil Program.
A big thank you to all the participants, partners and supporters who helped us make this a successful event!