12th Edition of the LPGP Business Rounds and Fund Manager Showcase
São Paulo
The LP/GP Business Rounds is a special gathering organized by ABVCAP and ApexBrasil and hosted by TozziniFreire, for a select group of international investors currently looking at private equity and venture capital opportunities in Brazil. Each investor will have the opportunity to meet fund managers through individual meetings or the Fund Manager Showcase. The LP/GP Business Rounds will took place on April 17th, immediately after ABVCAP´s Conference (15-16 April).
Individual Meetings Each investor had a meeting room allocated to their team. ABVCAP coordinated back-to-back meetings that run up to 40 minutes. Based on each investor´s interest and requests, ABVCAP coordinates these meetings depending on the participants´ targets and their availability.
Fund Manager Showcase Investors also had the opportunity to meet new fund managers through the Fund Manager Showcase, an hour-long session where fund managers make briefly presentations on their fund strategies. Some of the LPs who have attended previous editions include:
Allianz Capital Partners Allstate DEG Greenpark Capital Harbourvest Stepstone Group Altamar Capital Capital Dynamics OP Trust Pantheon Parador Capital Proparco Siguler Guff Paul Capital Export Development Canada Pantheon Ventures Ltd Blackrock IFC Banco de Desenvolvimento de Minas Gerais S.A. – BDMG Nossa Caixa Desenvolvimento – Agência de Fomento do Estado de São Paulo S.A. PETROS 57 Stars DEG Neuberger Berman Parish Capital Some of the local GPs who have participated in previous editions include: 2BCapital Alothon Angra Infra Angra Partners Antera Gestão de Recursos S.A. Axxon Group BR Investimentos BR Opportunities BR Woods Investimentos Bravia Capital Brookfield BRZ Investimentos Confrapar CRP Companhia de Participações Cventures Darby Overseas Investments DGF Investimentos Victoria DLM Invista Asset Management Endurance Gávea Investimentos GEM-PINE GG Investimentos Global Equity Administradora de Recursos Grupo Stratus HSBC Invest Tech Itacaré Capital Partners Jardim Botânico Investimentos K&C Investimentos Kinea Investimentos MasterMinds MSW Capital Gestão de Recursos NEO Investimentos NSG Capital Patria Investimentos Performa Investimentos Real Capital Partners Rio Bravo Investimentos Santander Mare Tarpon TMG Capital Trivèlla Investimento Vinci Partners Vision Brazil Investments Thank you to all the participants, partners and supporters for helping us make this another successful event!